Are you confident in you career path and the skills you bring to the table?

In this episode, our guest Lata Hamilton joins host Christy Pennison and shares her inspiring journey of making a bold career shift and finding fulfillment in change management. Lata emphasizes the importance of clarity in job decisions and challenges the patriarchal model of business, advocating for more flexible work arrangements that cater to women’s needs and desires.

Together they delve into the barriers to embracing change, the significance of exploring diverse career opportunities, and the value of transferable skills. The episode culminates in a powerful discussion on the changing nature of work and the need for a flexible and agile approach to personal and work development.

“What are the things that light me up? What are the things that are engaging to me? What are the things that I can bring to the table, and who am I, and what do I want my life to look like?”

Christy Pennison

In this episode we dive into:

  • Strategies for navigating career transitions 
  • Unleashing your potential
  • Change Management 

Join us as Lata provides practical guidance for aligning career choices with personal aspirations, while Christy emphasizes the importance of building confidence to pursue new opportunities. 

About Lata Hamilton

Lata Hamilton is a Change Leadership and Confidence expert, and the creator of the “Leading Successful Change” program. After tripling her salary in just 3 years, her mission is to help millennial women carve their own paths for change in career, leadership and life, and find the confidence and authenticity to truly earn their worth.

Lata has worked with some of Australia’s biggest companies on changes that have impacted over 100,000 people, operating model changes impacting thousands, global cultural transformations, and digital transformation that is literally changing the way that we work.

To connect with Lata Hamilton visit


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