Success can be scary, especially when it arrives.

If you’re like me, you have a vision in your mind of what success looks like. So you start working towards it, waiting for it in expectant, hopeful anticipation. But what happens when the success you want, whatever it looks like to you, actually shows up?

It is one thing to dream of success. It is a whole other thing to have it happen.

Recently, a friend of mine had been wanting to grow her business and gain new clients. After planning, preparing and creatively marketing a special she was offering, she stood by and waited to see what would happen. And guess what? She started to have way more individuals take her up on her offer than expected. And like a deer in the headlights, fear started creeping in. “Failure may be scary but why is success so much scarier,” she asked.

In a split second, the thing she planned and hoped for had arrived, which was downright terrifying!

So what do you do?

Well for starters, you muster up every ounce of courage you have and take hold. Don’t let fear stop you from the thing you have waited for. Go boldly and courageously one step forward with every fiber of your being.

The presence of fear means you’re growing.

Success is not for faint of heart. It takes a ton of courage to walk into a dream. Think about it. If you were suddenly transported into your wildest dream in an instant, what would your initial reaction be?

I don’t know about you, but if I was suddenly transported in one second to a huge stadium in front of thousands of people or a mountaintop overlooking a vast ocean for miles in all directions, my initial reaction would not be excitement. It would be paralyzing fear. Why? Because it’s something I’ve never done before and didn’t expect it to happen in an instant.

I think as much as we believe something is possible, there is something deep inside of us that whispers it may not actually happen.

I call this ever so soft whisper the “trickster” whose main goal is to allow us not to get our hopes up too high. So when it happens we almost feel like it shouldn’t. We start to panic: “I’m not ready. What do I do now? What if I can’t do it?” Just know it’s not really the truth, it’s just the “trickster” trying to psych you out. Listen, whatever brought you to your success, it didn’t just happen. It was because you made it happen. Trust yourself. Everything leading up to your success prepared you for this moment. You got this!

It’s okay to be afraid and excited all at the same time.

It’s okay. It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay. Repeat that over and over until you get it. It’s okay. Breath, relax and enjoy this moment. Look around, take note, realize and recognize how far you’ve come. Wow, did you do this? Pretty inspiring, right? We sometimes spend so much time striving, we forget to take inventory when we arrive. Embrace whatever you feel at this moment. Take in the joy, uncertainty, and fear, and step forward.

There is no turning back now, only forward. Remember, if you are scared, it just means you’ve arrived! The journey awaits you!



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