Dreams are down right scary sometimes!

I don’t know if you are like me, but many times I get a really great idea in my head.

You know, the world changing, earth-shaking, take over the world kind of idea.

It seems really great….. until it’s time to start doing it. Ekkkk!!!!!

Then welcome my two least favorite friends:

* Self-Doubt
* Limiting Beliefs

And just like that, my super, duper great idea turns upside down into a not so great, pretty terrible, abandon all hope kind of idea.

So there I am, stuck like Chuck! Has this ever happened to you? Okay great, so I’m not the only one!

I think if you’ve ever had a dream at some point in your life, you’ve been here.

After the great idea starts the WHAT IF GAME. “What if this isn’t a good idea? What if people think I’m a joke? What if I fall smack dab on my rear end? What if, what if, what if…….”

You start to second guess yourself and engage in the game of comparisons. For example: “I don’t know if I can do it as well as someone else. No one wants what I have to give. What’s so special about this idea?”

And there you are right back at square one like the idea never happened.

Friend listen, if you have a dream or idea in your heart and mind, you have it for a reason. You shouldn’t listen to anyone who tells you it is not possible, especially yourself.

So how do you combat those not so helpful friends? Well, here are three tools I have used to silence my unwanted guests of self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

1. Positive self-talk

Negative self-talk never did anyone good. Bottom line. It’s so toxic you have to flee from it like an escapee from prison or a person in the woods running from a bear. If you catch yourself doing it, squash it, immediately.

Easier said than done, I know. However, part of the struggle is recognizing that you are telling yourself negative messages.

Listen to me: STOP IT NOW!

Find the nearest mirror and look at yourself. Say to yourself the opposite of every single negative thing you think. Flip the script.

Guess what? Your brain doesn’t evaluate whether the source of the message has any clout. It’s just listening to what you tell it.

Do yourself a favor, be kind to yourself!

If you wouldn’t tell a friend what you are telling yourself, don’t say it.

Like my momma used to say, “If you don’t have nothing nice to say, don’t say nothing at all.”

2. Find your liberating truths

With every self-limiting belief, there can be a liberating truth. A limiting belief is a belief about yourself that limits you from your fullest potential.

My goal setting group engaged in an activity during our second meeting this year in which we explored our limiting beliefs. You wouldn’t believe some of the things we had in common when we started talking.

When we started recognizing what they were, we took a bold move and found the liberating truth behind the limiting belief. This exercise is powerful to help you move forward toward your dreams.

Check out the worksheet here and discover your truths.

3. Surround yourself with like-minded people

Want to stop your great idea dead in it’s track? Tell it to someone who doesn’t have any.

This may be harsh, but there are a lot of Debby Downers out there. And let’s be honest, you know who these people are.

Embracing uncertainty and the unknown can be hard work, make no mistake about it. It’s almost like a fright trail at Halloween. If you are a scaredy cat like me, there may be many times you want to turn back.

Just know it’s normal to feel uncertain or scared.

You need people in your corner who won’t let you quit! These are friends or mentors who can grab hold of your vision and push you forward, even when you want to push back. So don’t delay, find your tribe today!

The great unknown can be, well, unknown.

Just think, our world would be a much different place if others before us didn’t go bravely into the unknown to discover and do things many called impossible.

Our world needs your idea, vision or dream. So leave self-doubt and limited thinking behind.

Go forward with courage friend!


What’s a limiting belief that has held you back? Comment below.


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