Do you ever feel stuck?  You know, those times when everything you do just doesn’t seem to work and it takes all you have just to take one step forward?  Or when something happens that you least expected? It’s in moments like these that just thinking straight is a challenge.

Many times we get wrapped up in our head, just dwelling and thinking of all the things we have absolutely no control over!  And instead of trying to find a way out or forward, we often dig down deeper into a hole of no return.  

When you find yourself struggling to get out of your head and back to real life, go back to your ABCs and take a moment to reflect about your situation before you react.  It’s sometimes helpful to write down your thoughts and organize them on paper.  


Notice what your mind is saying.  The first step to being able to figure out everything that’s going on is to just start by noticing what you are actually thinking.  Many times when our lives get turned upside down or we are worried about something our brain is thinking all kinds of things. It’s important to figure out and be aware of what it is saying. 


You don’t have to believe everything you think.  Just because you think it, doesn’t mean it’s true or correct.  


Question what you’re thinking.  Consider other perspectives. Sometimes you need to ask yourself: how do I know this is true?  Is there evidence against this thought? Is this a fact or opinion?  What would I say to someone else who was thinking this? What is the bigger picture? Challenging your thoughts helps you come to a more balanced way of looking at a situation.


Let unhelpful thoughts go.  Unhelpful thoughts are just that, unhelpful.  And many times we let them hang around for far too long.  So if it’s not helping you move forward to a solution, let it go. 


Choose the best response.  Reflecting on what and how you are thinking about something going on in your life will help you discover the best way to respond and move forward.  However, the key to getting unstuck after you’ve reflected is to take action.  

The only way forward is through.  Take heart friend, you got this!



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