What if you woke up tomorrow and the only people or things you had in your life were the ones you expressed gratitude for today? How many people or things would disappear from your life? When I read this question asked by someone I follow on social media, it really made me think.  As I began to answer, I quickly realized I wouldn’t have much. I may have my daughter and a few family members, but gone would be a roof over my head, this computer I’m typing on, running water, food, car, bed, knowledge, relationships and the list could go on and on. I don’t know about you, but this question made me realize I need to practice gratitude more often. Here are a few reasons why you (and I) should practice gratitude (like yesterday).  

Why practice gratitude?  

Studies have shown gratitude helps increase life satisfaction and overall well-being.  And I have yet to meet a person who doesn’t want to feel happy. Psychologist Robert Emmons, author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier talks about the many benefits of practicing gratitude to include improved immune systems, lower blood pressure, better sleep, increased positive emotions (joy, happiness), improved alertness, and increased kindness and compassion towards others.

If all of those benefits sound appealing to you, it may be a great time of year to begin a gratitude practice and here are a few recommendations on where to begin.

Start a gratitude journal

You can use a journal, your phone, or even Alexa to do this (I prefer writing).  Every night before bedtime write down 3 things you are grateful for that occurred in your day.  Acknowledge the individuals, things, or moments you are grateful for. There are even some great journal prompts out there if you need help with knowing where to start.  This allows you to reflect on the things in your day that went well instead of focusing on what didn’t.

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions.  The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” 

Zig Ziglar

Wake up grateful

I have started practicing what I call “I woke up alive”.  When I wake up to the blaring alarm clock next to my ear, my first wakeful moments are grumpy because let’s face it, it’s hard to get out of a comfy, cozy bed.  But as soon as I gain my bearings and before I get up, I try to remember to express gratitude for waking up alive. Starting your day with a thankful mindset makes you feel better about the day ahead.

Express gratitude to others

We live in an extremely busy world (or at least it seems that way in the small corner of the world I live in).  Many times we forget to acknowledge the amazing people and acts of kindness around us. Try to identify at least one person a day and acknowledge them. Let them know what it is you appreciate about them. You can do this through a phone call, handwritten card, or even a simple text.  Don’t let a day go by without letting someone in your life know why you are grateful they are in it. Because frankly, we don’t know how much time we have left and it’s important to let individuals know they matter.

Gratitude allows us to be more present in and appreciative of the life we’ve been given.  Even on your worst days, there is something to be grateful for, you just have to be able to recognize it. Friend, if you are reading this, I am grateful for you.  I hope you take up the challenge to practice gratitude, and if you do, please let me know how it impacts you.  


What is one thing you are grateful for? Let me know in the comment section below.
