Are you working harder for someone else’s dream or investing in your personal dream?

In this episode of “Inspiring Possible,” host Christy Pennison and guest Alexis Halikas delve into the power of reimagining life, confronting limiting beliefs, and prioritizing personal and professional growth. As Alexis shares her journey from real estate professional to coach and consultant, the conversation navigates the common belief that working harder is the key to success and how redefining this mindset can lead to greater fulfillment.

Join Christy and Alexis as they explore the impact of coaching, the value of investing in personal development, and the significance of asking powerful questions in sales and life transformation. From reframing challenges as opportunities to the reassessment of personal goals, this episode offers insight and inspiration for listeners looking to embrace their dreams and believe in what is truly possible.

In this episode we dive into: 

  • The Value of Personal Coaching
  • Reframing Limiting Beliefs 
  • Creating the Life You Dreamed Of 

“Just remind yourself no matter what you’re going through, if you’re feeling like you’re struggling or you’re overwhelmed or you’re stuck or you don’t have enough hours in the day – this is happening for me, and go have a great day.” – Christy Pennison

Discover practical strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs, redefining success, and prioritizing personal joy in this empowering conversation. Whether you’re seeking guidance to navigate life’s obstacles or pondering your next step in personal and professional development, tune in for a transformative discussion on unlocking your potential and trusting in the process.

For more about this episode and guest Alexis Halikas visit 

About Alexis Halikas

Alexis Halikas is an industry leading coach and consultant with more than 15 years of experience in real estate. She has successfully led a brokerage that boasted $3.3 billion in annual sales volume and while expanding its team to include dozens of new leaders. Her methodology has not only reshaped the industry but also positively impacted the lives of thousands of top real estate agents and brokerage owners internationally.

Alexis’s achievements have earned her considerable recognition, including being named Business Review’s prestigious Accomplished Under 40 and features in Entrepreneur Magazine, Greenbelt Magazine, and OutFront Magazine.

For more information or to connect with Alexis visit


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