Welcome to Inspiring Possible!  I’m excited to introduce myself and share my mission to inspire you to believe that anything is possible. This podcast has been a 3-year dream in the making, and I can’t wait to share my vision with you.

Do you ever feel stuck, overwhelmed, stressed, uncertain, or unsure about your life? Have you forgotten how to use your imagination or dream again? If so, this podcast is for you. I’ll share strategies for creating a vision, confronting limiting beliefs, developing an “It’s Possible Mindset,” figuring out your next best steps, finding your possible people, and committing to take action..

In this episode, I’ll also share my personal story of unexpected pregnancy at 22 and experiencing burnout and near breakdown in 2018. I’ll explain how I started telling myself different stories and transformed my mindset to believe that anything is possible. We’ll also discuss why creating your dream won’t happen overnight and the courage it takes to make the impossible possible.

I believe that combining goal setting, mindset, and imagination is key to creating the life you want to live. Join me on this journey of discovering and creating your dream.

Remember, if you’re not creating your dream, you’re living in someone else’s. I’d rather you live in yours!

Christy Pennison

In this episode I talk about:

  • The beginning of possible and creating the three-year dream of this podcast and it’s aim to inspire people who feel stuck, overwhelmed, stressed, uncertain, or unsure, and have forgotten how to use their imagination or dream again.
  • What the podcast is all about and the mission to inspire you to believe that anything is possible!
  • My personal story of transformation and how she started telling herself different stories, which led to a transformational shift in her mindset and outlook on life.
  • How the podcast will feature solo episodes, interviews and inspiring stories to help listeners recreate their dreams and lives.
  • Listeners can tune in each week to learn ways to create more time in their lives to actualize the life they want to live.
  • How the podcast will feature a combination of goal setting, mindset, and imagination.
  • That the dream will not happen overnight and will require you to be courageous and take leaps.

I encourage you to join me on this journey of discovering and creating dreams! New episodes will be available each Thursday!

To start, download the workbook here.
