In this thought-provoking episode of “Inspiring Possible,” host Christy Pennison and guest Susan Lazar Hart engage in a deep and insightful conversation about breaking free from societal conditioning, reconnecting with inner wisdom, and living a fulfilling life following your inner passion. Susan Lazar Hart shares her transformative journey, emphasizing the importance of focusing inward and acknowledging the distractions that hinder personal growth.

Listeners will gain valuable insights into the significance of self-reflection, internal validation, and the impact of early childhood conditioning on one’s beliefs and choices. Susan Hart’s discussion about her book “Breaking Free” and the discomfort involved in negotiating with oneself will resonate with those seeking to align their lives with their true desires.

The episode includes practical advice for reconnecting with inner knowing, pursuing one’s passions, and embracing change. Susan Hart’s perspective on creating lasting memories and building a community based on shared values will inspire listeners to live intentionally and authentically.

Join Christy and Susan as they dive into the power of curiosity, the beauty of being present, and the journey of self-discovery. Stay tuned for a wealth of wisdom, transformational tools, and a reminder that life’s journey holds endless possibilities.

In this episode we dive into: 

  • Focusing Our Inner Monolog 
  • Creating Experiences Through Intentions 
  • Embracing Innate Curiosity 

“What is life asking of me today?”

– Christy Pennison

With a focus on creating possibilities and living a life filled with clarity, confidence, and courage, “Inspiring Possible” continues to empower and uplift its audience. Tune in and embark on a journey of inner enlightenment and personal growth.

About Susan Lazar Hart

Susan Lazar Hart has always had a different way of seeing the world, which is a catalyst that sparks curiosity and fosters sustainable change for her clients. As a transformational mindset coach and speaker, she has worked with thousands of women worldwide to change their thoughts, beliefs, and habits so they create a congruent life full of possibilities.

Susan founded the Congruent Living Method and Academy and is the author of her newest book, “Breaking Free: Your Unique Path to Fearless Living.” By integrating breakthrough coaching tools, spiritual principles, and accountability, Susan empowers women in midlife to create the life they’ve always longed for!

For more information on Susan visit

Get Susan Lazar Hart’s self-assessment here:
