Do you desire a healthier relationship with money?

In this episode, host Christy Pennison invites guest Lisa Marie Robinson, also known as the Sassy wealth coach, to discuss the transformative power of changing our mindset around money. 

Christy and Lisa delve into the importance of understanding the root causes of our triggers and behaviors regarding finances, challenging the notion that our money mindset is fixed based on our upbringing or community. They share personal stories of their own journeys with money, from past financial struggles to finding success as entrepreneurs. 

The conversation touches on the impact of societal teachings and the influence of our surroundings, particularly during childhood, emphasizing that our experiences shape our relationship with money. Christy and Lisa encourage listeners not to give up and highlight the need to learn how to keep and think differently about money. 

Through heartfelt anecdotes and relatable examples, they explore the layers of the issue and discuss the dilemma of making poor money choices and the judgment and shame attached to it. They also highlight the importance of forgiveness, support, and the power of telling ourselves better stories about money. 

I went from food stamps to 6 figures in 3 years.

Lisa Marie Robinson

In this epside, we touch on:

  • Using money as a tool
  • Our mindset regarding money
  • The relationship between our ubringing and current spending 

Christy and Lisa believe that changing our mindset around money can lead to financial freedom and the ability to use money for good in the world. They offer practical advice and suggest that by understanding the root cause of our money issues, we can bring about lasting change in our financial lives. 

Join Christy and Lisa on this inspiring episode as they share insights, personal experiences, and strategies for creating a healthier and more empowering relationship with money. Tune in to learn how to make more money, manage it wisely, and embrace the possibilities it can bring.

About Lisa Marie Robinson:

Lisa Marie Robinson is best known as the Sassy Wealth Coach with over 20 years of experience in accounting, helping women manage their money with confidence, to feel empowered. After surviving a tumultuous childhood filled with addiction, theft, and violence, her mission is to help women break free from poverty, struggle, and pain. She teaches her clients how to take control of their finances and make mindful decisions that fuel growth and prosperity. When she started her business, she wanted to turn the financial pain and chaos she experienced into prosperity and purpose. She ditched the victim mentality, changed her story and created the life she knew she deserved. Today, as a speaker she shares her story and teaches others how money mindset and money management go hand in hand.

To connect with Lisa Marie Robinson:


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